Polynucleotides| Bexleyheath | Persona Medical Aesthetics



Polynucleotides (PN’s) are an injectable product that contain the DNA from the gametes of either trout or salmon. The DNA is known to help regenerate and improve the skins texture, elasticity, hydration and tone. They have biostimulating effects and can stimulate the body’s production of collagen and elastin. Therefore helps to give the skin a more plump and youthful appearance.

Polynucleotides can be used in difficult areas to treat such as the under eye area. The procedure itself is quick and involves the injection of the product into the skin. To maximise results a treatment plan of a series of sessions at 4-6 weeks intervals is recommended.

Benefits of Polynucleotides

  • They help stimulate the body’s production of elastin and collagen, both of which work to improve skin elasticity and firmness.
  • Reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and ageing, sagging skin.
  • Increase skin’s hydration levels, even out skins texture.
  • Minimal downtime after treatment means clients can return to their normal duties just a few hours later

Polynucleotides treatment applications

PN’s are being used to reverse the ageing of tissues and repair scarring by tackling the concern from the source, in contrast to the traditional approach, for example with fillers, which focuses on treating symptoms. Some of the applications of PN’s include:

  • Rejuvenating treatment for older skin to treat fine lines and wrinkles
  • Preventative treatment for younger skin
  • Rehydration for dull skin at any age
  • Treating dark circles as an alternative to tear trough fillers
  • Strengthening delicate areas of skin such as around the eyes and mouth
  • Reducing inflammation to helps with conditions such as rosacea
  • Treating hyperpigmentation, sun damage, scarring, stretch marks and acne

In addition to their success rate with these applications, polynucleotides work well alongside other treatments, enhancing their effects, such as by boosting the longevity of anti-wrinkle injections.

Why choose Persona?.

We believe in taking a personal yet professional approach. During your free consultation you will have the opportunity to ask any questions. Going through any details you are not sure about. We will advise on facial areas we can target to help maximise the anti-ageing effects.

Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to know about Polynucleotides at Persona

  • What are Polynucleotides?
    Polynucleotides are natural, highly-purified DNA molecules usually extracted from the gonads of fish.
  • How do they work?
    Cells have DNA, which is made of polynucleotides. When we inject more polynucleotides into aged and damaged skin cells, they help to regenerate tissue by stimulating fibroblasts – a type of cell that contributes to the formation of connective tissue. Essentially, we are healing skin from within.
  • How long do results last?
    Clients can expect to see initial results after three weeks, which will last six to nine months.
  • Are there any side effects?
    Side effects are minimal, depending on the injection technique used. As with any injection, patients can expect some slight redness and swelling following treatment. No serious adverse events have been reported.
  • Can I use Polynucleotides along side other treatments?
    Yes, absolutely. All of our polynucleotides can be offered as a stand-alone treatment or used in combination with any other procedure.

    We have seen excellent results alongside dermal filler, botulinum toxin, and radiofrequency treatments.

*Results may vary and are different for each individual. As such, Persona Cosmetic Medicine cannot guarantee specific results.

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