Regenerative Medicine Blog | Persona Medical Aesthertics | Bexleyheath

Regenerative Medicine

Posted by Cosmetic Digital on Monday 13th March 2023 at 12:47 pm

Regenerative Medicine

What is regenerative medicine?

Regenerative aesthetics (RA) is a new way of practicing aesthetics, whereby long-standing views and treatment protocols are being replaced by new tissue manipulation techniques aimed at recapturing the youthful tissue functions underlying fine aesthetic appearance.


Everything you need to know about polynucleotides.

Meet the new face and body injectable that’s gaining traction for its ability to rejuvenate and regenerate the skin.


If minimised pores, less hollowness, better elasticity, fewer finer lines, and a brighter complex sound appealing, polynucleotide injectables might just be right for you and your skin.

In fact, they’re gaining traction for effecting change on a cellular level; as injectables become ever more sophisticated, polynucleotides – aka DNA extracted from the sperm cells of salmon – are the latest discovery to excite practitioners for their ability to prompt skin to behave better over time – and the fact that they can be used alongside other injectables to give you the best youth-boosting results.

What do polynucleotides do? 

When injected into the skin polynucleotides signal two all-important changes to the way the skin behaves. First, it acts as a wound healing agent might do, telling skin to intensely repair, thereby reducing scar tissue (including stretch marks) and minimising other vagaries or patches of pronounced texture on the skin.

It also has an anti-inflammatory effect, which means it will boost cell renewal, stimulate collagen production, improve elasticity and hydration, and reduce wrinkles. In short, rather than act as a filler, padding skin until removed or dissolved, it disappears, after giving the skin its regenerative instructions.

They consist of deoxyribonucleotide polymers (DNA fractions).

They carry out a trophic and stimulating action on existing fibroblasts, increasing their vitality.

They stimulate cell proliferation, increasing the number of new fibroblasts.

They increase the vitality of fibroblasts with a physiological stimulation of collagen.

They favour the regeneration of damaged, atrophic and senescent tissues.

They increase the synthesis of type I and type III collagen.

Polynucleotide Priming is the basic treatment that allows the skin to restore its optimal conditions in a natural way and to enhance the aesthetic medical treatment.

Also important is the synergistic effect with other aesthetic procedures such as laser, radiofrequency, filler, peeling, needling and surgery.

The infiltration with polynucleotides gives elasticity, hydration and trophism to all skin types, regardless of age. The skin takes on a better quality with greater brightness and freshness, with a reduction of wrinkles and skin laxity.

The best thing about polynucleotides is that there is no risk. No risk of occlusion, lumps, blindness or other filler complications.

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